Draft API


Responses will be returned in standard JSON format. An attempt will be made to keep the structure simple. Https will be used for all endpoints.

Null values (optional fields that do not have data), will be empty strings: “”.


The API will be versioned with simple version integers, 1, 2, 3, ...

ex: https://whatsfresh.org/1/vendors


Error records will be returned in every message, and will consist of a dictionary containing the error status, error name, error text and error level. The status field will indicate the presence of an error condition, and should be checked before attempting to process the rest of the response.


error: {error_status: true, error_name: 'not_found_error', error_text: 'product with id=232 could not be found', error_level: 10}

Extended Fields

To allow for future expandability, a dictionary call ‘ext’ will be included with every response. This dictionary will either contain no records, or will contain additional first-class records that were not included in the original specification. For instance, if a new attribute “color” is later added to the product response, it can be included in the extended attributes array. Applications can choose to discover/use these new fields or ignore them without effecting backwards compatibility. Response validation should include the presence of ext, but not its contents.



Return a list of city names, such as Newport, Florence, Waldport, etc.

        locations: [


Return a dictionary containing a record for every product in the database.The product id is the record key. This data is unlikely to change frequently, it should be in long-term storage on the device and refreshed periodically.

        error: {error_status: bool, error_name: text, error_text: text, error_level},
    <product_id>: {
                name: text
                variety: text or null
                alt_name: text or null
                description: text
                origin: text or null
                season: text
                available: bool or null
                market_price: text
                preparations: [smoked, fresh, live...]
                link: url or null
                image: int or null
                story: int or null
                created: datetime
                modified: datetime
                ext: {attribute: value, attribute: value...} or {}
        <product_id>: {...},


Returns a single product record identified by <id>. This may be useful for selectively refreshing the local master list of products fetched by /products.

        error: {error_status: bool, error_name: text, error_text: text, error_level},
        id: int
        name: text
        variety: text or null
        alt_name: text or null
        description: text
        origin: text or null
        season: text
        available: bool or null
        bool: bool
        market_price: text
        preparations: [text, text, text...]
        link: url or null
        image: int or null
        story: int or null
        created: datetime
        modified: datetime
        ext: {attribute: value, attribute: value...}


Returns a description of the fields in a product record. These should correspond to internal docstrings, which in turn should be extracted into the master project documentation.

        endpoint_description: "text describing the endpoint"
        id: "text describing this field"
        name: "text describing this field"


Return a dictionary containing a record for each vendor in the database. The vendor id is the record key. Each vendor record also contains a dictionary of products carried by this vendor. This data is likely to change more often, and should be cached locally but refreshed for specific products or locations whenever possible.

        error: {error_status: bool, error_name: text, error_text: text, error_level},
        <vendor_id>: {
                name: text
                status: bool or null
                description: text
                lat: float
                long float
                street: text
                city: text
                state: text
                zip: text
                location_description: text or null
                contact_name: text
                phone: text or null
                website: url or null
                email: email or null
                story: int or null
                ext: {attribute: value, attribute: value...}
                created: datetime
                updated: datetime
                products: {
                        <product_id>: {name: text, preparation: text},
                        <product_id>: {name: text, preparation: text},...
        <vendor_id>: {...},


Returns a single vendor record identified by <id>. This should be used to fetch data whenever a specific vendor id is known.

        id: int
        name: text
        status: bool or null
        description: text
        gps_location: coords
        street: text
        city: text
        state: text
        zip: text
        location_description: text
        contact_name: text
        phone: text or null
        website: url or null
        email: email or null
        story: int or null
        ext: {attribute: value, attribute: value...}
        created: datetime
        updated: datetime
        products: {
                <product_id>: {name: text, preparation: text},
                <product_id>: {name: text, preparation: text},...


Returns a description of the fields in a vendor record. These should correspond to internal docstrings, which in turn should be extracted into the master project documentation.

        id: (text describing this field)


Returns a story record identified by <id>.

name: text
history: text
facts: text
buying: text
preparing: text
products: text
season: text
images: [
    {name: text, caption: text, link: text}
    {name: text, caption: text, link: text}
videos: [
    {name: text, caption: text, link: url}
    {name: text, caption: text, link: url}



Returns an image record identified by <id>. Alternatively, this could return the image data itself as content-type image rather than json.

        image: "url to image"
        caption: "text" or null
        name: text


Returns a dictionary of vendors that carry a product identified by <id>. The records are identical to those returned by /vendors/<id>, but filtered by the product id.


Returns nearby available vendors. Vendor records are as defined above, including the products array.

Additional parameters

These parameters can be added to any endpoint request




These parameters represent the latitude and longitude of either the mobile device’s current location, or a pre-defined location such as “Newport, OR”. These will cause the results to be sorted by proximity, closest items first. This parameter will be ignored with the /stories endpoint. Depending on how the device handles the coordinates, it may be more convenient to send a single parameter, ‘location=<lat>,<long>’ and use the latitude and longitude as positional arguments.


https://whatsfresh.org/vendors?lat=49.28472&long=89.7982 https://whatsfresh.org/vendors?location=49.28472,89.7982


This parameter will limit the number of records returned to <int>. In combination with the location parameter, it can be used to return the 5 nearest vendors selling tuna:



This parameter will restrict the returned results to those within <int> miles (or configurable distance unit) of the given location. Ignored if no location is given.